wut is noos
politics war buisness sport corona climate health celebritie weather local world family eduction fake news> false information used to shape your veiws opinions or ideas 5 examples of fake news people might write fake news to joke or to mislead you can spot fake news by checking who wrote it or researching it gay midget eats robot samsung microwave while speedrunning elden ring on a potato racing a mclaren under the sea against a mutant pig with a deformity tuesday 14th march 2023 lo: to write an effective news report:to practise interveiw question what protest at whipsderry beach because people building a house on side of cliff and are filling cliff with concrete by digging in it who local residents when feb 20 thru march why because the building they are doing dirupts wildlife/habitats and makes cliff unstable how by standing by the site and protesting wassup cornwall last night there was a fire at b...